Okay, confession time. When I am stressed and overwhelmed, I turn to Google or Yahoo for help, searching for puppies, kittens, toddlers singing, anything to help me smile. My recent search led me to this, a little boy and his puppy, friends for life...

Shine from Yahoo Canada, instagram.com/mommasgonecity
Shine from Yahoo Canada, instagram.com/mommasgonecity

and then this

Shine from Yahoo Canada, instagram.com/mommasgonecity
Shine from Yahoo Canada, instagram.com/mommasgonecity

 this was the clincher, I had to find out about the story behind these photos..

Shine from Yahoo Canada, instagram.com/mommasgonecity
Shine from Yahoo Canada, instagram.com/mommasgonecity

The little guy's name is Beau and his puppy is Theo. Beau's Mom, Jessica who blogs under  Mommy's Gone City and is on Instagram as mommasgonecity has been documenting this amazing friendship and adorable photos of Beau's naptime and has been kind enough to share them with all of us. Thank you Jessica for not only the smiles but a reminder of how amazing life can really be.

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