As you head out this weekend to pick up you tree keep a few things top of mind. Lots of things should be considered when you are trying to pick out the right Christmas Tree. It isn't all about the look. Kathy from the University of Minnesota has a few good pointers about selecting the right pine for your home.

Do you care if it smells good? How about if the needles are to sharp? What color is it? For those of us that enjoy a real tree all of these things are important including whether or not the texture will keep you pet from playing with it.

Kathy also mentions an important fact. Real trees are sustainable. They are grown on farms for the sole purpose of becoming Christmas Trees. A real tree can be "green" if that is one of your criteria. So I suggest by from a local tree farm. Just like you would for your vegetables during the summer.

As for the discussion about real vs artificial trees. That will have to wait for a different blog. And spoiler alert, I always pick real.


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