Time To Apply For Mohonk Preserve Paid Internships is Almost Up
When you think about being an intern you probably don't think about the great outdoors. Most likely you are picturing an office with closed windows and bad lighting. Ok so not all internships are like that but they can be unless you intern for someplace that focuses on being outdoors.
Time is running out if you want to apply to be a paid summer intern at the Mohonk Preserve. The deadline to get your application in is this Friday (February 12, 2021). The internships are made possible through the Mohonk Preserve's Thom Scheuer Land Management Internship Program which is part of the preserve's Land Protection and Stewardship program. It is also part of the Schaefer Research Internship in the Preserve's Conservation Science program.
The internships are planned for the summer and run for 10 weeks. Interns will work with Mohonk Preserve managers during that time. There are special requirement in order to be eligible for one of these slots. You will need to include a resume and transcript when applying. For the full list of qualifications and how to apply click here.
If you don't qualify for the internship there are many other ways that you can be involved for the summer with the Mohonk Preserve. They have a photography program which is popular. They are also always looking for volunteers to help both at the center and on the trails.
If you go to mohonkpreserve.org you can find out more about the year round programs that the preserve offers and also more about the opportunities they offer to get involve with the preserve's various programs.