Most women that I know are fans of facials.  Sit down, relax with some nice soft, warm music playing in the background and a soft, warm massage on your face will help relax you and is proven to get rid of and prevent wrinkles.  Sounds perfect right?

Well, the new rage in facials is a little different and if you ask me, it needs to go away.  Granted, I've never had one but my wife likes to try a facial and massage or a mani pedi at various day spas in the Hudson Valley but this one, I'm pretty sure she'll pass on.

It's mostly in Australia right now but it's popularity seems to be making it's way to the U.S.  Snail facials.  Yes, I said snail.  It works like any other facial except the put up to 5 snails on your face and let the snails move around leaving their slim all over you face.  Then, you just wipe it away and it's said to give you the healthiest skin you've ever had.

Again, no thanks but I'm kind of slow on some things.

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