I remember watching reruns of Sanford & Son with my dad and my mom saying, 'That's your father.  He is the junk collector."  I would always laugh and thing nothing of it until I became an adult and looked back at it.  She was right, he was the junk collector.  He had everything, even stuff he didn't need and neither did anyone else.

I have nothing to worry about because I'm not going to be like that.  I'm not.  I'm worse.  Kind of.

I've become the junk hauler.  That is actually not a fully accurate statement though because I don't haul just anything and I do it for a reason.

I'm having a hard time finding wood to burn in my fire pit and I'm getting tired of buying bundles of it so I go looking for things I can burn.

Just the other day I came home with a huge tree branch that the neighbor had cut and left in the yard.  Last night I went to the neighbors because they were throwing away an old dresser.  I took the drawers and spent about 30 minutes ripping apart the drawers so that I could use the sides and bottoms to burn.

Once I'm done tearing all of the nails out, I throw everything including the pieces I can't burn back out for garbage or drop it in the dumpster.

My wife says that it's becoming a thing because the neighbors will stop her and baby girl when they are out for a walk to see if I want, as she calls it, junk.

I just can't see spending my money for something that can be easily done with a little work.

I'm frugal......as dad would say.

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