
Did You Know That The Hover Technique Can Kill You?
Did You Know That The Hover Technique Can Kill You?
Did You Know That The Hover Technique Can Kill You?
You don't want to put your cheeks on the that gross thing so you hover over it. I'm not a medical professional but I've decided to break down that validity of this maneuver. Could it actually kill you?
Studies Show That Millennials Have The Grossest Teeth Ever
Studies Show That Millennials Have The Grossest Teeth Ever
Studies Show That Millennials Have The Grossest Teeth Ever
Growing up in a generation that didn't make you brush after a meal or before bed could be taking is toll. We may have to bust out the Big Book of British Smiles. If it were 1818, I would be a bit fearful of going to the dentist. In 2018 it shouldn't be that big of a deal. Am I crazy for actually enjoying a dentist appointment?
Styrofoam Containers to be Banned in Ulster County
Styrofoam Containers to be Banned in Ulster County
Styrofoam Containers to be Banned in Ulster County
How may styrofoam cups, plates, or containers have you used in your lifetime? Who hasn't used them, they're cheap and easy to use without the need to ever wash a dish again. But there's a dark side to all of this convenience, they don't break down, you can't recycle them, and, as it turns out, they're bad for your health, and Ulster County is doing something about it...