
Fall Snacks. I Promise, no Pumpkin.
Fall Snacks. I Promise, no Pumpkin.
Fall Snacks. I Promise, no Pumpkin.
As much as I love Pumpkin Spice Coffee, I can do without the million other Pumpkin flavored snacks (Oreos? I don't know about that one).  I needed to make sure that I wasn't getting too caught up in the Pumpkin craze and thanks to Buzzfeed, I found a great list of other fun Fall snacks to make...
Pumpkin Season is BACK!
Pumpkin Season is BACK!
Pumpkin Season is BACK!
Summer is sadly coming to a close. While I'm sad to see summer go, I can't help but be excited about what Fall is going bringing our way. I'm not talking about back to school sales or the fall foliage. I'm talkin' PUMPKIN SPICE. All of my social media feeds are flooding with updates of  "First Pumpkin Coffee of the season...