I grew up in the country and my parents where a bit older and from the farm so things were a little different for me but, I feel like this time, they were normal.

Thanksgiving is next Thursday and you'll be feasting, probably watching football and most likely hanging out with family but what will you be eating?

Turkey, Gravy, Cranberry Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, pie and Stuffing.   NOT Dressing.

I'm sorry but if it's IN the Turkey, it's not dressing.  It's stuffing.

I never realized this was even a thing until just recently.  It's always been stuffing to me.  You don't buy "dressing' you buy stuffing.   It's Stove Top Stuffing.

I don't even understand the whole "dressing" thing.  Unless, you are putting it ON the Turkey, then, It's dressing.

What do you call it?  Is there a reason you call it something different?

Enjoy whatever it is you eat with your Turkey but remember that stuffing is what is inside of the bird.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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