Horrifying Video Of Crane Falling Off of Skyscraper in New York
This looked like a disaster scene straight out of a Marvel movie. You're just waiting for a hero to stop it because it doesn't seem real.
Despite how far safety measures have come working on large skyscrapers is still one of the most inherently dangerous jobs on the planet. You don't see a crane collapse very often. That's a good thing but when it does fall apart the results can be catastrophic and it was all captured on video.
Residents and commuters in Midtown witnessed a horrific accident yesterday morning. According to ABC News, a crane on top of a 47-story high-rise apartment building caught fire and then collapsed in mid-air.
12 people were reportedly injured but miraculously no one was killed during the incident. However, the crane operator had reportedly had his license suspended years ago after an accident that sadly did result in the death of a coworker. This event could have had a much more devastating ending. It looks like the investigation as to what caused the accident is currently ongoing. ABC also reported that falling debris closed down nearby roadways.
The video shows pedestrians running for their lives as the crane arm and other parts comes tumbling down while crashing into a nearby building just after going up in flames.
Check out this crazy video shared on X (Twitter). I have to warn you because this may be the craziest video you see all week.