Show Your Appreciation this Memorial Day
Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial, official weekend of summer but don't forget the real reason. Memorial Day is to honor those that lost their lives defending this great country that we live in.
Go enjoy the long weekend, do your cook-outs with friends, take your mini vacations but don't forget to do something to honor those that lost their lives and their families.
Write a letter to the soldier or the family and thank them for their sacrifice and for your freedom.
Visit a cemetery or the grave of a soldier and plant some flowers or maybe cut the grass or do some site maintenance.
Most cemeteries, VFW's, etc have people that visit and put American Flags on the grave sites so go help with that. Spend a few bucks and buy your own and put them on the site.
If you know of a family of a service member that passed, try and do something special for them.
To those who have given the ultimate sacrifice, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.