A same-sex active-duty couple got married at West Point. It’s believed to be the first of it’s kind.

Captains Daniel Hall, 30, and 26-year-old Vincent Franchino of Rockland County got married last Saturday inside West Point’s Cadet Chapel, reports the New York Times. Both are currently Apache helicopter pilots stationed at Fort Bliss in Texas.

The couple met at Army in 2009. Their first date was in 2012 a few months after the “Don’t ask, don’t tell,” policy was repealed, according to ABC.

“We’ve experienced everything from people feeling awkward around us to being called faggots while holding hands and walking down the street, stuff like that,” Franchino, from Rockland County, told the New York Times about their past.

The men got married at West Point in their uniforms with 34 military officers watching. They cut their wedding cake with Hall’s officer saber, a gift from Hall’s grandparents after he graduated from West Point.

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