According to a report by the Cato Institute, New York is the "least free" state in the country. 

The Cato Institute is an American Libertarian think tank whose main focus is public advocacy, media exposure and societal influence. The report ranked New York as the 'least free state' in the country.

The report states that New York's local tax burden is twice that of the average state. The state government spends four times what the average state does on subsidies to business. The report also says that New York is the worst state on regulatory policy.

According to the report, New York's criminal justice policies are satisfactory, and drug arrest are average. Nondrug victimless crime arrests are low. New York is also ranked last for tobacco freedom, due to bans and high taxes.

The report also had recommendations for New York including: Cut spending, abolish rent control, and cut tobacco taxes.

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