Cupping. It seems to be the "in" thing to do for athletes.

By now you have probably seen the pictures of Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps with all of those purple like circles all over his body. If not here's one...

Swimming - Olympics: Day 5
Getty Images

Now, we always try to figure out a way to take part in what all the cool kids are doing. So we decided to try cupping on a budget. It's what we like to call "Redneck Cupping."

They say that the way this is supposed to work is that the heat and suction from the cups after being suctioned to your back should help with stimulating the flow of energy.

We grabbed a few red solo cups and a lighter and decided to see if this can actually work and, of course, we videoed it all for you.

GLUE was not supposed to be a part of this! Leave it to Jess. Anyway, outside of being burnt a little bit, I don't feel any different.

Oh, before we forget: please do not try this at home!

Here is the proper way to cupping.


We had a professional stop by the show to show us how to really "Cup". This time Jess actually does it...

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