Purple is the new Orange when it comes to Pumpkins.

Thankfully, we were able to get in our pumpkin picking and apple picking as well as our trips to Haunted House attractions around the Hudson Valley. Back in September Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that those were low-risk COVID-19 activities.

However, as time went on when it came to Halloween we were learning more and more about what the Center for Disease Control considers low risk and high risk.

Families were dealing with the repercussions of the CDC announcement earlier in October that Trick-or-Treating was considered high risk. Gov. Cuomo then quickly said he would never ban trick-or-treating. 

Those looking to celebrate by Trick-or-Treating are told while going out isn't recommended they should use caution. Follow CDC guidelines, wear a mask, stay in your immediate group and stay a safe social distance apart.

Now when it comes to who is participating in giving out delicious Halloween treats, that could get a bit confusing.

New12 Long Island is reporting that a new trend involving pumpkins can help weed out who will be participating. Nassau County officials are starting the Purple Pumpkin Initiative.

If a home has a picture of a purple pumpkin near their door or on their steps it means they WILL be handing out candy to Trick-or-Treaters. Legislators in Nassau County suggest putting individual candies in a bowl for Trick-or-Treaters to take so there is no contact between the participating parties.

Pediatrician Dr. John Zaso reminds parents that just because there is a Purple Pumpkin outside of a home doesn't mean the house is virus-free. Dr Zaso says:

Ideally you'll have a bowl of candy out so you can keep your distance. But you don't know if you're going to spread, some people may be asymptomatic. The biggest thing is social distancing.


What are your plans for Halloween? Will you be out and about or staying put and celebrating at home?



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