In today's world more than half of us have a tattoo or 2 or more. I love a nice tattoo BUT this is a bit much.

According to CBS 6 in Albany a long Island man claims he lost his job because of his ISIS tattoo inside his lip. Kirk Soccorso claims the tattoo is his former girlfriends name.

He worked as a tool demonstrator at home depot in Patchogue (Long Island) for about six months. He tells CBS 6 that "one day, he showed workers his tattoo of the word 'ISIS' on the inside of his bottom lip and before he knew it the store told him not to return. Soccorso wants everyone to know he is not a terrorist and he is being treated unfairly.

Soccorso is considering a lawsuit. A home depot spokesman says the decision to terminate Soccorso was not just based on the tattoo.

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