Let me begin by saying that I am not a movie critic. I simply have my own list of films that I love, those that I wished I'd never watched, and those that just scare the you-know-what out of me. That being said, after watching some of the trailers for the new movies coming out, there's some I am really excited about and one, that I'm not sure I'm brave enough to watch! 

How to Train your Dragon 2, I loved the first movie and can't wait to see the 2nd one!

Spiderman 2, need I say more?

Godzilla: this is where I'm not sure I'm brave enough, I am such a wimp!

Chef 2014: This looks funny and since I love to cook, I think I have to see this! (there's a little bit of language in this one, just to make sure you're aware)

Which upcoming movies are you looking forward to seeing? Let me know, you just might help me find a new favorite film!


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