I can't believe 2022 is coming to an end, it feels like the year flew by in a blink of an eye.

For the last few weeks, I've been reminiscing about everything that went on this year in my personal and professional life. I got to meet a lot of new people, do some traveling, get a new puppy (Hi Alan!), and learn something new.

While I feel like I learn something new every day, working on The Wolf I got the opportunity to learn how to finally play music. We teamed up with Fret Zealot a few months ago and I have been shredding ever since.

Okay, so maybe shredding is a reach. But I have been doing something I've wanted to do since I was a kid and that's learning how to play guitar. Fret Zealot is a huge online vault of video lessons taught by world-class instructors that you can pair (like I did) with an optional LED light system that shows you exactly where to put your fingers on your fretboard.

If you are following the Wakin' Up with CJ and Jess Show, you know it's been quite the journey. I decided to dive right in with Fret Zealot and pick a song from their library of thousands of songs. As I'm sure you heard, my rendition of Shania Twain's Man, I Feel Like A Woman needed some work, to say the least.

J.Alberto Sandoval
J.Alberto Sandoval

After a few tries, I got that opening chord and chorus down pat. Then I decided I was finally ready to really buckle down. For the last few weeks, I've been following Fret Zealot's beginner lesson plan.

I'm learning chords and notes all with Fret Zealot's helpful app and their LED light system. If you're a visual learner like me, this comes in handy. The LED system lights up the guitar chords so I know where the notes are and where my fingers need to go. It's been a really helpful tool for a beginner like me.

Fret Zealot is perfect for the music lover in your life, whether they're a beginner or an expert guitar player. It makes a great gift for any music lover. Try Freat Zealot today and learn guitar with light! Check out FretZealot.com for more information.

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