Jess’ Bubble Wrap Dilemma
Moving is a pain. I'm learning how true this really is as I get ready to make a move across town.
Last night I decided it was time to finally start packing up all my wine glasses. I learned that I had an unhealthy amount of wine glasses, but that's neither here nor there. What I really had a problem with was how I packed my glasses.
I have a big old roll of bubble wrap for everything that is fragile.
When wrapping the glasses, I got confused. So here's my question: When using bubble wrap, do you put the bubbles on the inside so the glass is touching them OR do they go on the outside?
Honestly, I lost sleep over this last night and ended up alternating the bubble wrap in and out.
Am I the only one confused by this? I still have glass bowls and ceramic mugs to wrap so your input would be extremely helpful.