‘Doomsday’ Glacier May Cause ‘Catastrophic’ Issues For New York
American researchers are predicting doom if and when a massive glacier, the size of Florida breaks off.
Officials are worried about the Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica
Doomsday Glacier Worries Many
It's been nicknamed “Doomsday Glacier” because its collapse could cause "catastrophic" results around the world, according to CNN.
Researchers say the glacier, which is about the size of the state of Florida, is big enough to raise global sea levels by two feet, which would cause catastrophic results around the world.
If sea levels rise an inch, coastal communities can be flooded with water, officials note.
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University of California, Irvine scientists discovered that warming ocean waters are rushing underneath a number of large glaciers, including the “Doomsday Glacier.” This makes the glaciers more likely to to break off, the CBC reports.
Water making its way miles underneath the frozen ice indicates it's only a matter of time before it breaks, scientist warns.
The "vigorous melting” underneath the "Doomsday Glacier" means sea level rise projects are likely being underestimated, according to the study.
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The “Doomsday Glacier" has already caused the global sea level to rise by about 4 percent.
Warning: Many Parts Of New York State May Soon Vanish
Hudson Valley Post recently reported on another study that warned, that many parts of New York State may soon be consumed by water.
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