Orange County Legislator Mike Anagnostakis wants to send a message and get tough on animal abusers. According to the Times Herald Record, Anagnostakis has introduced a new proposal named Rocky's Law.

The proposal is named after a Staffordshire Terrier whose owner was arrested last month for allegedly leaving the dog outside in freezing temperatures in the City of Newburgh for five weeks. Rocky, who suffered hypothemia, as well as suffering from rat bites was later euthanized. If passed, the law would be one of the tougest animal abuse laws in the United States.

If the proposal passes, anyone convicted of abusing an animal in Orange County would be identified on an Internet registry and prohibited from buying or adopting an animal for 15 years.

Anagnostakis's proposal doesn't stop there. The law, if passes, would create a registry on the county website, and would require convicted animal abusers to register on it within five days of their conviction or after being released from jail or prison if they are incarcerated. Neglecting to report their convictions would be a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and a maximum fine of $2,000 for each day they fail to register.

This would also target abusers who buy or adopt an animal as well as targeting any store, shelter or individual who provides it to them.




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