A Hudson Valley business claiming to be a school of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, has been called out for allegedly teaching fake moves.

Mike Palladino, a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu brown belt and Hudson Valley resident, became aware of school run by a man claiming to be an IBJJF black belt. IBJJF stands for International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation, and they don't take lightly to posers.

Jiu Jitsu is a very tight knit community, all of its practitioners have a high level of respect for each other, said Palladino. You can go to a Jiu Jitsu academy anywhere in the world and be welcomed with open arms like they've known you forever. Jiu Jitsu is a very cerebral martial art or sport, it's physical problem solving that takes years to master, hence the lengthy amount of time it takes to get your first belt promotion to blue.

Palladino decided to pay a visit to the school in Marlboro after finding several YouTube videos exhibiting poor technique taught by teacher Jay Queiroz. Improper teaching technique can cause serious injury and even death in extreme cases.

When confronted, Queiroz denied being a fake, and was visibly shaken after he realized he was being filmed. The video below features several clips showing the improper technique Queiroz was teaching followed by the call out led by Mr. Palladino (2:08).

Mike Palladino's story is a compelling one, he's dedicated the last eight years of his life to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He quit his job, sold his car and traveled to Rio De Janeiro and later Moscow to learn as much as he could about the martial arts. He went on to open Evolution Grappling Acadamy and Beacon Jiu Jitsu here locally.

It's hard to describe what Jiu Jitsu does for people's lives if you've never done it to say "make it better" is a broad generalization. People come from all walks of life. The old, the young, the man, woman, the child, the skinny, the out of shape - all unite on the mats to better their life.

Hudson Valley resident and local instructor Mike Palladino visits the radio station to show us proper technique on a few moves.

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