A 100 Year Celebration of Heroes plus Tacos and a Chicken Dinner
Here is the latest list we have of upcoming events at local fire departments. If you know of an event that we could share please email paty.quyn@townsquaremedia.com or use the Text Studio button on the Wolf App
Tuesday August 13th - Modena Ladies Aux host Taco Tuesday 5 PM to 7 PM. Enjoy all you can eat Tacos for $7 at the door. Location: the Modena Fire House at 1953 Route 44/55 Modena. Call Michelle for more info (845) 883 - 0465
Friday August 16th - Red Hook Fire Company Inc and the Tivoli Fire Department invite you for food, beer, and music from 6 PM to 11 PM. The Stringmasters will be performing. The weekend is all about your local heroes being around for a whole century - come celebrate with us! Location: 42 Firehouse Lane, Red Hook NY.
Sunday August 18th - Clintondale Fire Department - 300 Club Chicken BBQ Dinner. Continuous dinner served from 3 PM to 5 PM to benefit the Clintondale Fire Department. The cost is $20 per person and chances to win prizes totaling $2000. All drawings will be at 5 PM Ticket will be sold day of dinner. Location: 1063 Route 44/55 Clintondale, NY. For information call 854-750-5033 or 845-616-8383
Monthly Events
(Monthly Friday Nights) - Pine Plains Hose Company is hosting the first of seven Bingo Nights that run monthly through October. Location: 7 Lakes Road Pine Plains. Doors open at 5 pm and calling starts at 7 pm. There are early bird specials, bonus balls, supplies, Games of chance and refreshments. Monthly dates are August 16th, September 20th and October 18th.