Letting your dog poop and not cleaning it up could now cost dog owners a fine of $1,000 in a major Hudson Valley city.

Poughkeepsie lawmakers unanimously adopted new legislation on Monday that raises the amount of fines for those who don't clean up after their pets. According to the Daily Freeman, first offense fines would increase from $100 to $250. A second offense could cost dog owners up to $500. For repeat offenders, a $1,000 fine has been approved. And that's $1,000 per poop.

Proponents of the new regulations say that it's an important deterrent to those who have no regard for the community and continue to liter Poughkeepsie with dog waste. Others are more skeptical of the heavy fine, saying that it does nothing if it's not seriously enforced.

What do you think, is $1,000 too high of a price to pay for not cleaning up after your dog, or do you think it's about time more was done to get the poop off of the streets?

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