While reading some of the trending topics for today, I found that Jada Pinkett Smith was trending, so I clicked, curious to see what was going on. Much to my surprise, followed by a vocal outburst of "You've gotta be kidding me", I discovered the reason she was trending...

Ready for this? She posted this pic of herself with her daughter and husband, noting that she gained 8-10 pounds and really likes her "fuller figure".

photo by Ethan Miller
photo by Ethan Miller

I don't even know what to say to that, (okay that's not quite true, but I can't really print what I'm thinking) In my opinion, this is not a fuller figure, this is a step towards a healthier looking body, a more real life figure. I worry what our children, particularly our girls, think about when someone who obviously looks great and THIN, describes themselves as "Fuller Figure". What kind of a message is that sending.

A new study on nationaleatingdisorders.com , states that "approximately half a million teenagers struggle with eating disorders or disordered eating" Plus, don't we want our children growing up knowing that it's what inside of a person that makes them who they are, not the size of clothes they wear or the number on a scale.

I don't blame Jada Pinkett Smith for all of this, I think it's just another example of how our society judges the success or failure of someone based on weight as opposed to who they really are and all the talents they may possess, and our children are paying the price.

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