It's our last "Frolic Friday" of the year.

With Christmas coming up on Sunday, Jess and I are doing the holiday gift exchange this morning on the CJ in the morning show, but before we exchange gifts, Jess came up with the idea of us having to get in a good frolic first.

Here we are "Frolicking" for our gifts.....

DAMN its cold outside!!!

The frolic is done, now give me my presents. LOL. Video of our gift giving is coming up shortly.

Remember if the holidays have you stressed at all, nothing will make your holiday blues disappear like a good "frolic." So stand up, put your arms on your sides and frolic away.

Also if you want to get really festive this holiday season, maybe before you and the family get ready to open gifts this weekend, you can all join in with a full family frolic around the Christmas tree. I know we will be doing it at my house and would love for you and your family to join in.

Merry Christmas from all of here at the Wolf and we can't wait to have some fun in 2017.

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