Free Summer Meal Programs
This new interactive tool that will help families find locations to get free meals.
According to WTEN, the United States Department of Agriculture has put together a really useful tool that will make sure that families can find food this summer.
It's called the Summer Meals Site Finder which will show that there are a bunch of places in the Hudson Valley that will be offering nutritious free meals that are available for children and teens 18 and younger while school is out of session.
The USDA has put all of this together to help children, parents, and others quickly and easily find summer meal sites near them. The site finder is free to use and will also work on tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices without the need to download.
To use the finder all you need to do is enter an address, city, state or zip code to find up to 50 nearby locations, along with their addresses, hours of operation, and contact information, and directions.
If you would like to find a location by phone you can call anytime at 1-866-348-6479.
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