Dutchess County has announced another free rabies clinic for later this month. On November 23rd from 8 am to 12 pm you can bring your pets to the Pine Plains Hose Company at 7 Lake Road in Pine Plains. There is plenty of on-site parking to make this event convenient for you and your pets that need to be vaccinated.

The Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community Health (DBCH) has partnered with the Dutchess County SPCA to offer this clinic to Dutchess County residents and their pets. The event is open to dogs, cats and domestic ferrets 3 months of age or older. You must bring proof of residency. If you are a non-resident you are welcome but will be charge $10 for each pet vaccinated.

Dogs must be brought on a leash. Cats and ferrets should be in carriers. Animals with previous immunizations with proper proof will be good for 3 years all other will only have a vaccine good for one year. In New York State all cats, dogs and ferret by the age of four months are required to have a rabies vaccine. Pet owners can be fined for not vaccinating their pets.

If your pet is not vaccinated they risk contacting rabies if they come in contact with all animal that has been exposed. If your cat or dog spends time outside it is important that they get the rabies vaccine and other vaccines as well. Consult with your veterinarian to see what immunizations your pet may need.

To learn more about rabies during business hours, call (845) 486-3404 or visit DutchessNY.gov/Rabies.

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