Flash Flood Watch In Effect For Parts of the Hudson Valley
Before this week, I think it's safe to say that we needed some rain in the Hudson Valley. Lawns and gardens were certainly showing signs of dehydration, not to mention local waterways. Then we saw the forecast, rain over several days. While it's not fun to have rainy days, we need both the sun and the rain, so it was a welcome change.
Now, however, it would be nice if Mother Nature would turn the faucet off. Some parts of the Hudson Valley, specifically Sullivan County and Western Ulster County have received between 3 to 9 inches of rain since Saturday. This has left the ground saturated with no place for any more water to go.
Because of this and the forecast for more rain this afternoon and this evening, the National Weather Service has issued a Flash Flood Watch for Sullivan and Western Ulster County through this evening. We could see rainfall rates in excess of an inch per hour in some locations.
While minor flooding may also occur, flash flooding is possible not only along creeks and streams but in urban areas as well. Flash flooding is a dangerous situation as you may have little to no warning it is happening. Should flash flooding occur, we will get you that information as soon as possible.
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