Put This on Your Phone for the DC Fair
So this time next week most of us will have visited the Dutchess County Fair and enjoyed all kinds of fair fun and food. But what if I told you that as part of your fair preparedness you could organize your tickets, check out a map of everything at the fair and stay informed about everything happening at the fair in real time. I am confident your reply would be sign me up.
Well the truth is you can sign yourself up. The Dutchess County Fair now has an App for all things fair. Whether you are planning ahead to make the trip easier with all the kids in tow or you are at the fair and can't find your favorite fair treat, the Ducthess County Fair App is there to help. We all use Apps on our phone for all kinds of daily activites so way not use an App while you are at the fair.
You can link up at the Dutchess county Fair's facebook page or just follow the link below.
This year there won't be any reason why you get lost finding your favorite ride on the midway or trying to get to the grandstand in time for one of the shows. The Dutchess County Fair App has a map that will help you find food, fun and the closest restroom.
The Dutchess County Fair will open it's gates on Tuesday August 20th and 10 AM. And runs Daily 10 AM to 10 PM through Sunday August 25th. Their are discounts and price packages now available. Find out more about the fair and where you can buy tickets in advance by visiting the Dutchess County Fair online.
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