So the holiday meals have come and gone. It is back to work and back to the basics. Over the next week or so there is a good chance that dinner at your house might seem a bit dull. Coming off the delicious Christmas dinner and then the party snacks you devoured over New Years Eve, simple dinner may seem to be extremely boring. Never fear, I have just the meal and during this post holiday cold snap. It will help heat up your home while it bakes and you can add comfort food to it's list of qualities. Meatloaf is what's for dinner.

meatloaf and baked potatoes
Getty Images/iStockphoto/ThinkStock

Meatloaf is the perfect quick meal that basically makes itself in the oven. You can go traditional or jazz it up a bit buy using Turkey, Chicken even Sausage. As long as it can be molded into a loaf, put in a pan, surrounded by veggies or even fruit, then baked off in the oven until it is bubbly goodness you can call it meatloaf.

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