Central Hudson Wants to Explain Upcoming Enormous Heating Bills
Earlier today I was checking out my Facebook newsfeed and I saw that somebody wrote “How about those Bills?” I kid you not when I tell you that my first thought was that she was talking about her electric bill. Then I realized she was talking about the Buffalo Bills. Even though I’m not a sports fan, it’s still weird where my mind went when I saw her statement. It must be because of the horror stories I’m hearing about the upcoming winter heating bills.
I’ve heard news stories about how expensive natural gas will be. And electric bills are expected to go sky-high. And that was just yesterday. Yup, it appears we’re in for a cold and expensive winter here in the Hudson Valley. You can definitely expect your Central Hudson Gas and Electric bill to be high this winter. But here’s the thing… Central Hudson wants to explain those high energy bills.
Central Hudson will be hosting a free (thanks C.H.) livestream event on Facebook on Oct. 4 at 5PM. The event is called The Story Behind Your Bill. On the event Facebook Page Central Hudson states that “No one wants to see rising energy bills. We know our customers count on us every day for the energy they need, and we recognize our responsibility to serve customers by working to keep bills as low as possible.”
But this event isn’t to lower your bill. It’s being held to explain it. Central Hudson says they plan to address questions about the increasing costs of energy. They also plan to show you what to look for on your bill, and to help you understand how the high energy costs will affect us. So, it doesn’t look like the event will necessarily help us pay our bills or even lower them, but at least we will understand. Ugh.