Can Men and Women Be Just Friends?
It's Wednesday which means we're digging into our mailbox for another 'We Got Ya Wednesday.'
This weeks note struck a chord with me. We got a message from a listener who's worried about his new love interest and her friends. Here's what the email says:
Dear CJ and Jess:
I recently met a woman I am interested in dating. I only see one problem. She has more guy friends than girlfriends. I think this could be an issue. I have yet to ask her why she has more guy friends than girlfriends, but I am assuming it's because she gets along better with men than women. This makes me a little nervous because I'm a guy and know how men are. Is it possible for men and women to just be friends? I can tell you from experience that I have fantasized about being more than friends with all of my female friends
Ah yes, the old "can guys and girls just be friends" question. Personally I think it can totally happen. I'm not saying that I have more guy friends than girl friends, but I have a decent amount of guy friends who I get along really well with.
I think we're friends because they want to do things like go hiking and kayaking and there's a little more adventure with them than with my girl friends. Again, that's just my personal feeling.
What do you think? Is this guy thinking too much into it? Text us or let us know on Facebook!