Calling All Hikers for The Catskills Fire Tower Challenge
Fall hiking fun in the Catskills just got even more awesome. You and your hiking buddies are invited to take the Catskill Fire Tower Challenge.Running since the end of July you still have time to complete it and get in on the rewards. All you have to do is visit 5 Fire Towers in the Catskill Park and take a selfie at the designate spot. For years these towers have served as watch spots for forest fires now they are giving you and amazing view of the Catskills and a chance to win some cool stuff. Plus you'll have the bragging rights to say you did it.
So what's in it for you if you complete the challenge? Up for grabs is for you if you complete all five fire towers is a certificate, a set of commemorative pins, a one-year subscription to Conservationist Magazine and you will be enter to win great hiking accessories. If you are one of the first 500 people who complete the challenge you will receive a free Empire Pass for the season and be eligible for a commemorative special edition New York State license plate featuring the Catskills. Read here for complete contest rules.
How to Enter
- Hike to all five Catskills Fire Towers between July 11, 2019, and December 31, 2019.
- Overlook Mountain - Woodstock, NY
- Hunter Mountain - Hunter, NY
- Red Hill Mountain - Denning, NY
- Balsam Lake Mountain - Hardenburgh, NY
- Tremper Mountain, Shandaken, NY
- Snap a selfie at each tower.
- Send all five selfies, with your name and address, after you have completed them to catskillschallenge@dec.ny.gov or to:
Catskills Fire Tower Five Challenge
14th Floor
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-1010
*Limit one per household.
Fire Tower Locations
For directions and information about each tower click Here
Hike with Us
Interested in participating in some guided hikes in the Catskills? Check our Hike with Us web page for a list of upcoming events.
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