Beloved ‘Renowned’ Family-Owned Bistro For Sale in Kingston, NY
The bistro has been a staple in Ulster County and the owners are hoping the right people will purchase it. There's always a bit of a nostalgic feeling when you hear that a local restaurant is going up for sale. If you've been there, you automatically think about the memories you've experienced there and you start to wonder....who is going to buy it? Are they going to keep it the same or make changes? That being said, there is another location to add to our list of places for sale in the Hudson Valley.
Story behind the bistro:
Who are we talking about? The Blue Mountain Bistro-to-go in Kingston, NY is officially for sale. The Bistro has been part of the Ulster County community for decades and they pride themselves on serving delicious food with the highest standards of quality. Mary Anne and Richard Erickson (the owners) have created a loving, friendly and delicious environment that is well known at the Blue Mountain Bistro. If you're interested in purchasing it, here's what it looks like:
A full view of the place:
It's a nice space that has plenty of room and a ton of windows so you can get natural sunlight right inside. There is also plenty of room for customers to park.
An inside look:
WARNING: This might make you hungry, just taking one look at this counter you can see the bistro offers a lot of food choices. There's also room to expand the menu and make new dishes for customers.
Even more food choices:
There is another whole side to this place that allows even more food to be stored and has great refrigeration space for juices, water, and more. The black and white floor also gives the bistro a cute and vintage look.
Sweets & treats:
Do we need to say more? There's a section where you can create sweet treats for customers and you have a perfect place to display them.
One big kitchen:
Wow, the giant kitchen in the bistro provides plenty of opportunity for a chef and gives them plenty of room to spread out. Not only that, but everything looks like it's in great condition.
The post did mention that the staff is very loyal and has been with the business for a long time. They are ready to stay and the sellers will help the new owners with all the necessary training to keep everything running. Good luck to everyone and we hope the right person purchases this Hudson Valley treasure.
We're going to stick with the food theme, here are great Irish Pubs to check out and some great places to eat in Kingston: