Bicycle Awareness Event This Sunday At Water Street Market in New Paltz
This Sunday at Water Street Market in New Paltz there will be a Bicycle Awareness Event from 12p to 4p. A lot of information will be available about bike safety and New Paltz Village Mayor Tim Rogers will be speaking. It will also be a fundraiser for Gaby O'Shea a local woman recently involved in an accident with a car while she was riding her bike on Route 299 in New Paltz. The issue of bikes and cars sharing Route 299 in New Paltz has been a topic for years and will be addressed at this event along with some of the progress made to make the route safer for bicyclists.
As it gets dark earlier this is a good time to take a moment to think about bicycle and pedestrian safety. Even though the weather is turning colder we still have people using our local roadways for biking, running and walking.The Hudson Valley is known for it's eco-tourism so this means we have a lot more people taking advantage our communities for outdoor activities and cycling is one of the most popular.
Now that the days are getting shorter and soon we will be getting our hour back from the spring with "fall back" it will be dark earlier. It is more important than ever to keep a closer eye while we are driving in the evening for people who are on the road but not in vehicles.
Runners and walkers will be out on our roads and it is important that we keep and extra eye out while we go though this seasonal change. Each year preventable accidents occur simply because we haven't adjusted to the time change and it getting darker earlier.
Check out Triple A's video about sharing the road with bicycles. They are vehicles too and we need to share the road safely.
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