"The King of Off the Boat Comedy," Anthony Rodia, is performing at the MJN Convention Center on Friday, December 15th at 7:30 PM. You can win a pair of tickets to the show by entering your information below!

Anthony Rodia to Perform in Poughkeepsie December 2023

Come see Anthony Rodia, a first-generation Italian-American born and raised in Westchester!  Rodia’s comedy pulls from his real life and razor-sharp observations on marriage, parenthood, road rage, and everything else worthy of a social media rant. His show is one you won’t want to miss!

In 2019, Anthony Rodia decided to quit his day job as a finance manager of a luxury car dealership and chose to follow his true passion of comedy. Totally committed to the decision, he performed 100 shows in just nine months, and in the years since, he has gained a massive loyal fanbase.

Rodia also hosts the weekly podcast Little Bit of Laughs alongside co-host and radio legend Goumba Johnny. Join Anthony and Goumba on Tuesday nights at 8pm Eastern on Facebook Live, as they get into hot topics, rants, pranks, and listener's questions and stories.

Spend the holiday with a TOTALLY RELATABLE comedian that will make you laugh until it hurts! You can win a pair of tickets to see Anthony Rodia perform at the MJN Convention Center on December 15th by entering your information below! And always check out all the amazing prizes we are giving away under the Win Stuff tab.

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