Jonathan Brunot has tackled plenty of road races--including seven Boston Marathons and six New York City Marathons. However, the Insane Inflatable 5K was the first obstacle course event for the Anderson Center for Autism student.

Jonathan, a 26-year-old Wappingers Falls resident, was joined by his brother Verlaine during the race at the Dutchess County Fairgrounds in Rhinebeck on Aug. 1. Verlaine videoed Jonathan running, climbing, sliding and bouncing across 11 inflated obstacles.

Jonathan began running nine years ago through a special needs running program called Rolling Thunder, according to an article Verlaine wrote for

Running didn't come easily at first, but the support of his family and a dedicated volunteer coach helped Jonathan acclimate to training runs and become an accomplished distance runner.

Jonathan and his family experienced a terrifying day in Boston when he attempted the Boston Marathon for the sixth time in 2013. Jonathan was less than a mile from the finish line and his family across the street when two bombs went off, Verlaine wrote in the post. Fortunately, Jonathan and his family were not harmed and the Anderson student went on to complete his sixth Boston Marathon the next year.

Jonathan, who has been nicknamed "Autism Superman" by family and friends, is currently a semifinalist in the Runner's World cover search contest.

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