It's something you'd think you'd hear about in Florida, but certainly not the Hudson Valley. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation raced to the scene at a local junior high school early yesterday to capture a large alligator.

DEC officers say they received a call at1:19am explaining that a ferocious alligator was "roaming around" Van Wyck Junior High School. While small gators have been known to be kept locally as pets, this one was way too big to be in anyone's home. The 50-pound reptile was estimated to be from four to five feet long.

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It's unclear how long the alligator has been out in the wild, as it was only spotted by chance. A neighbor to the junior high school in East Fishkill happened to be looking out their window after midnight when they spotted the monster scurrying from a culvert and heading towards the school's parking lot.

The neighbor immediately ran from the living room window and called 911. Kudos to the 911 operator for taking the call seriously. I mean, anyone calling in the middle of the night trying to explain that they're staring at an enormous alligator roaming around the Hudson Valley could easily be mistaken for someone who's had one too many.


After quickly determining the phone call was on the level, a DEC officer was dispatched to the junior high in the Wappingers Central School District and was able to safely subdue the alligator. It was transported to rehabilitation specialist in the area for further evaluation.

There was no speculation made as to where the alligator may have come from, or if there are more of them roaming around. School was not in session today but students returning tomorrow will most likely be looking over their shoulders with caution during recess.

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