It looks like we probably won't have snow on Christmas Day this year, but we will have something that hasn't happened in almost 40 years.

We will experience a rare full moon on Christmas Day this year, for the first time since 1977. And after it happens this year we won't have another one until 2034.

The skies will be extra bright, which is great because our favorite guy dressed in red--Santa--will have no problem making his rounds this year.

They call the December full moon the "Cold Moon" because December is the month winter begins in the northern hemisphere, according to ABC 7.

The full moon will be at its brightest on Friday, Dec. 25 at 6:11AM.

I know in my house we will be tearing into some of our Christmas gifts right around 6AM, and if your house is like mine, make sure you take a quick peak outside to see the moon.

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