From complaining about bridge construction to praying for White Castle to open up, there are some things the Hudson Valley just needs to "get over."

March 9 is "National Get Over It Day," so it seems like the perfect time to address some things the Hudson Valley has been talking about for decades that we just need to get over. Of course, we've got as much local pride as the next person so everything on this list is all meant in good fun. If you're one of those people who can't poke a little fun at yourself and is going to make a fool of yourself in our Facebook comments section, I suggest you get over yourself, too.

Bridge Construction
The bridges over the Hudson River have always been under construction and they always will be. They will never be finished. Get over it.

Woodstock Nostalgia
Sure, it was the greatest concert ever, but that was like 50 years ago. For all of those hippie-wannabes that flock to the Village of Woodstock to be nostalgic about a concert that didn't actually happen anywhere near Woodstock, get over it. Luckily, Bethel Woods is much more than a memorial to the history of Woodstock, they've gotten over it and keep bringing new artists to the area for a whole new generation of music fans.

Yes, IBM was the biggest business in the Hudson Valley and when they closed it devastated the area. But times have changed and we've recovered. Every few years IBM announces they're creating hundreds of new jobs, and then announce they're cutting hundreds of jobs. Then, just when you think they're gone they announce they're hiring again and then those jobs are eventually cut too. Hey, we're happy to have whatever IBM can offer, but if you're still pinning the hopes of our local economy on what that dinosaur does, you need to get over it.

White Castle Coming to the Hudson Valley
I've been hearing rumors for years about White Castle coming to Kingston and Poughkeepsie. At this point, it doesn't look like it's ever going to happen. Also, Trader Joe's, Whole Foods and at least a dozen other stores and restaurants apparently don't want any part of the Hudson Valley. If they don't like it here why should we care if they open up shop? Get over it.

Celebrities That Live in the Hudson Valley
I saw James Earl Jones at the hardware store. Paul Rudd bought a bagel from my niece. Robert DeNiro yelled at my baby. Yup, lots of celebrities live here. Big whoop. If you had millions of dollars and were based in New York City you'd probably by a mansion here too. Get over it.

The Hipster Invasion
Oh yeah, Beacon was sooooo much better before those annoying hipsters moved in. Sure, they're pretentious and annoying but they've got lots of money and think buying a pint of beer for $18 is trendy. As long as they're paying, I say we all throw on some knit caps and grow long beards. Welcome to the Hudson Valley, suckers. We're over it.

High Taxes, Gas Prices and Cost of Living
Do you really think this is ever going to change? New York sucks when it comes to taxes. Our gas prices are higher than most of our surrounding states and trying to keep up with the cost of living on an average Hudson Valley salary continues to be a challenge. You've got two options; sell your raised ranch and buy 50 acres and a mansion in South Carolina or... you guessed it, "get over it."

Ok, we've had our fun, now it's your turn. What do you think the Hudson Valley needs to get over? Let us know on our Facebook page or in the comments section below.

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