What’s the Earliest Date Should You Carve Your Pumpkin
How soon is to soon to carve your pumpkin? I got excited last year and carved a pumpkin on September 30 to see if it would last until Halloween. FYI it lasted until October 3rd. It went down hill quick and I am not sure why. I left it in the house which might have been the problem. I certainly didn't think it would actually last 31 days but I definitely thought I would get more that 4.
So when should you carve your jack-o-lantern. Turns out according to eHow.com five days before Halloween is optimum. Any thing longer then that you are risking having a rotten pumpkin for the big night. So if you follow their advice the perfect night for a pumpkin carving party is Sunday October 27th. You might be temped to carve it on Saturday the 26th but I would resist the urge. After all look what's at stake.
You took the time to pick out a perfect pumpkin. You may have even gotten one of those fancy carving kits they sell at the craft stores. All that planning and prep and you are going to risk your pumpkin being in it's prime on the big night. My pumpkin succumb to mold last year. at one point it look like a left over I forgot in the frig. Don't be me. Be patient. And if all else fails make sure you follow the advice of eHow.com who actually has so natural methods to keep your pumpkin fresh if you see him head to the soft-side.
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