Yes, that's a seal jumping in and out of the water on the Hudson River.

If you missed it last month, we told you about something that you might not have know about the Hudson Valley and the Hudson River, this time of year is actually seal watching season according to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

The DEC shared that, "Seals are found in New York from late fall until late spring. Seals can be seen “hauling out,” or leaving the water to rest, on sandy beaches or rocks." At the time I never thought we would come across any recent proof that seals are anywhere in or around the Hudson river and wouldn't you know it, we now have video proof they're swimming out there.

According to News 10 ABC, a New York photographer, Derek Brown has captured some great video of a seal in the Hudson river while kayaking in Greene County.

Watch the seal jump in and out of the water around 33 seconds into this video.....

Brown has taken some amazing photos from all over the world in years past, but because of the COVID-19 pandemic, he has been forced to do some exploring closer to home in the Village of Athens in Greene County because of travel restrictions.

Many times Derek has jumped into his kayak and hopped into the Hudson to explore and take pictures of everything, he told News 10, "I’ve seen a couple of beavers, a couple of otters…." But recently he talked about his most recent encounter with a seal. He said, "It jumped out of the water, which I got lucky enough to catch video of. It just kept on interacting with me and swam around the boat and under the boat. The second time it jumped out of the water it looked back at me to make sure I was watching. It was really cool.”

Derek also said he’s been out on the same stretch of river hundreds of times over the past couple of years, and this was his first seal sighting.

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