Volunteers Needed for Dutchess County Drill Exercise
Dutchess County in Hyde Park is looking for volunteers.
The Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community Health (DCBCH) is looking for volunteers of all abilities to help them with a coordinated medical countermeasure drill on Tuesday May 1st at 9:30am at the Hyde Park Elementary School.
The DCBCH will be conducting a drill simulating that of a disease outbreak. Volunteers are needed to play patience who contract the disease.
The drill will continue several times throughout the day to test the departments communication skills with people who may have "special needs, language support, medication storage and the provision of medications to affected individuals."
You have until April 27th to sign up as a volunteer. Like it was stated before this is just a drill and there will be no toxins or medicines given out during said drill.
To become a volunteer email or call the Department of Behavioral & Community Health at HealthInfo@DutchessNY.gov or (845) 486-3534..