Top Health Insurer In Dutchess and Ulster Counties Will be Shut Down Next Month.
Unfortunately, if you or anyone you know has Health Republic as your health insurance, you are going to need to find new insurance by the end of November, and New York State will help you do that, hopefully by November 15.
According to Democrat & Chronicle, federal and state regulators on Sept. 25 ordered Health Republic, which covered about 20 percent of private insurance plans on New York State of Health, to be shut down by year's end due to bad finances. However, New York has discovered that the company lost at least $78 million last year, according to reports, necessitating shutting down by November 30.
The open enrollment period for the exchange starts this Sunday, November 1 and runs through Dec. 31. The state has set up a special customer service helpline at 1-855-329-8899. According to the Democrat & Chronicle article, Health Republic also insured small businesses and was the top insurer in a number of counties: including Dutchess, Ulster, Putnam and Westchester counties.