Did you know that Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream has something called the Flavor Graveyard. I feel so out of touch. It's like everyone knew but me. I goggled Ben & Jerry's flavors for this blog and discovered it right on their website. It is a tribute page to flavors that have passed on to go along with the actual graveyard at the factory in Vermont. Apparently there are flavors that don't last forever! Check the list for your favorite "dead" flavor. Mine were Turtle Soup and The Wich.

My original idea for this blog was to mention warmer weather means we are all ready for ice cream. Now I am feeling more like we need to have an Ice Cream Fest to celebrate all the flavors that have survived. And I am not just talking about Ben & Jerry, they are my go-to ice cream in the winter when my local shops are closed. I am talking about getting to your local shops. If Ben & Jerry can RIP a flavor so can your local ice cream store. If you don't frequent them enough they might not keep that flavor front and center. Any excuse to eat more ice cream, right.

So seek out your local ice cream shop and eat up. Make sure they know your favorite flavors. Ask if you can buy extra to go. We can't have any more flavors go the way of Fossil Fuel or Wavy Gravy.

I will be heading out to my area ice cream shops over the next few weeks and I will be sure to let them know my favorite flavors. Huguenot Creamery, Twistee Cone, The Cheese Plate, Ice Cream at Village pizza and soon yummy choices at the Kosiner's Brothers Fry Shack, here I come, have the caramel and butterscotch ready. See you at the ice cream counter.

The Ben & Jerry Graveyard covered by Broken Daily News

Here is a Tour of the Ben and Jerry Graveyard courtesy of The Geek's Adventures - Brian Shaw.

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