The Animal Rights Alliance (T.A.R.A) Suspends Services Temporarily
So many organizations have been forced to reduce their hours or suspend their services due to COVID-19.
Not only is it people who are affected, but animals are as well.
The Animal Rights Alliance (T.A.R.A) is suspending their services during this time.This organization helps provide a low cost spay/neuter clinic for cats and dogs.
Right on the Hudson Valley SPCA-Orange County's Facebook page they put out the announcement.
Right now the services will be suspended until May 4th. They did mention they will be taking phone calls 7 days a week, and will reschedule anyone who had an appointment.
Due to COVID-19, they are expecting to have to take in and feed a lot more animals during this time.
In the Facebook post they motioned they will keep everyone updated if they have to extend the date.
If you would like more information on the organization and would like their contact information, here is their website.