Alec Baldwin Doesn’t Think He’ll Play SNL’s Trump Much Longer
Alec Baldwin Doesn’t Think He’ll Play SNL’s Trump Much Longer
Alec Baldwin Doesn’t Think He’ll Play SNL’s Trump Much Longer
In the election’s immediate aftermath, we had to wonder if Alec Baldwin had the SNL commitment to keep playing Trump as necessary for such a weekly target. Baldwin’s been a sport since November, even pivoting the impression into other mediums, but may hang up the wig before long . “I don’t [know] how much more people can take it.”
Is Bobby Moynihan Leaving SNL After Season 42?
Is Bobby Moynihan Leaving SNL After Season 42?
Is Bobby Moynihan Leaving SNL After Season 42?
It’s about that time of the season when SNL starts sketching out its final weeks, and with it tends to come a bit of turnover. Speculation most frequently points to senior cast member Kenan Thompson, but a new CBS pilot suggests that Bobby Moynihan may actually leave Studio 8H after Season 42.
SNL Does Mannequin Challenge With Kristen Wiig, So Let’s Get That Over With
SNL Does Mannequin Challenge With Kristen Wiig, So Let’s Get That Over With
SNL Does Mannequin Challenge With Kristen Wiig, So Let’s Get That Over With
The days of SNL’s traditional promo may be behind us, as Benedict Cumberbatch, Dave Chappelle and now Kristen Wiig have all donned new formats to promote their respective hosting gigs. And while we’re at it, SNL was bound to do the “mannequin challenge” sooner or later, so let’s just play this one out as quick as possible, okay?
Watch SNL’s Kate McKinnon Sing ‘Hallelujah’ in Moving Cold Open
Watch SNL’s Kate McKinnon Sing ‘Hallelujah’ in Moving Cold Open
Watch SNL’s Kate McKinnon Sing ‘Hallelujah’ in Moving Cold Open
For good or ill, perhaps no comedy series has benefit so much from Donald Trump as SNL. Following weeks of debate sketches, most everyone wondered how the late-night staple would react to Trump actually succeeding to the presidency, for which this weekend’s cold open brought Kate McKinnon’s Hillary out; both in tribute to Leonard Cohen, and to offer a moving “Hallelujah” going forward.

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