5 Local Businesses Now Closed In 8 Weeks Time5 Local Businesses Now Closed In 8 Weeks TimeAll of these well-known popular spots closed down between August 30th and October 25th.ValVal
Another Hudson Valley Diner is Now Closed For GoodAnother Hudson Valley Diner is Now Closed For GoodFollowing a listing earlier this year on a real estate site, this nearly decade old Route 9 diner has closed for good, effective October 6th.ValVal
Two-Year Old New Paltz Fusion Restaurant Quietly ShuttersTwo-Year Old New Paltz Fusion Restaurant Quietly ShuttersThe Latin Fusion restaurant opened in 2022, and now has closed, seemingly without any notice.ValVal
Popular Kingston, New York Taqueria Announces ClosurePopular Kingston, New York Taqueria Announces ClosureThough the Kingston storefront has closed, there's still opportunity to get your hands on some delicious Diego's in the future.ValVal
Massive Sales: Newburgh Is Losing Last Store of Its KindMassive Sales: Newburgh Is Losing Last Store of Its KindBig sales are happening until they close their doors for goodJonahJonah
Poughkeepsie Restaurant's Sudden Closure Disappoints CommunityPoughkeepsie Restaurant's Sudden Closure Disappoints CommunityAnother Hudson Valley business has closed their doors, without notice, leaving customers again asking what to do with unused gift certificates.ValVal
One of Newburgh's Most Beautiful Restaurants is ClosingOne of Newburgh's Most Beautiful Restaurants is ClosingSay it ain't so!JonahJonah
Popular Ulster County Restaurant is Making a Surprising ChangePopular Ulster County Restaurant is Making a Surprising ChangeSay it ain't so!JonahJonah