A group of spry senior citizens took local shoppers by surprise when they suddenly broke out in a flash mob this weekend.

The scene all happened this past Saturday at center court of the Poughkeepsie Galleria. That's where retired therapist and current Zumba instructor, Linda Thomas, gathered her students for an unforgettable performance.

A group of seniors, boomers and members of local assisted living centers were shuffling around when music started pumping through the mall. Suddenly, the elderly shoppers jumped into position and began dancing to the rhythm. Onlookers were stunned, not knowing what was happening.

One of the dancers, Marie, is 86 years old and is just one of the seniors that takes classes with Thomas to stay active and healthy. Both of the group's  prepared dance numbers were met with thunderous applause and shouts for an encore, which the group gladly obliged.

According to Thomas, there were no official rehearsals, since the routines were ones that the students know very well from their classes. The flash mob went exactly to plan, except at the end. Thomas says that the dancers were supposed to all walk away and pretend not to know each other again, but the adrenaline from dancing kept them talking and congratulating each other for a job well done. But really, who can blame them?

If you know of a senior who may enjoy being a part of this eccentric group of dancers, more information about Linda Thomas' lessons can be found on her website. Thomas teaches Zumba and DXF, DanceXrossFitness every Friday at St Martin de Porres school in Poughkeepsie. As for future flash mobs, you may want to be on the lookout. Thomas says you never know where they will pop up next.

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