Saying Goodbye to a Pet Is Never Easy
'Saying Goodbye to a Pet is Never Easy' was the title of the article I wrote when we had to say goodbye to one of our beloved kitties, Bella, back in October of last year. I never dreamed I would be writing about another loss so soon.
Our dear, sweet Pepper left us over the weekend and our hearts are breaking all over again. We saw it coming, he was, after all, 18 years old and had begun to be disoriented and unable to climb stairs. But, you are never prepared, no matter how much you tell yourself that you are.
Pepper came into our lives in May of 2000 and went to live with my mother-in-law. After she suffered a fall and was in the hospital and then a rehab facility for almost three months in 2007, he came to live with us. He was a big kitty, plus he was overweight, weighing almost 30 pounds. The vet said we had to be careful as to how fast he lost the weight because that could hurt him.
We loved him from the beginning calling him the gentle giant. While Bella, just a little thing would torment him, he could have really gone after her, but rarely ever did. He would follow me around wherever I went and I had a bed for him in my sewing room as he was always there while I created late into the night.
My husband always knew when I was about to pull into the driveway because about 5 minutes before I arrived home Pepper would get up, go to the door, and start meowing. I swear to you he had a meow that sounded like he was saying hello.
Over the past month, he started having accidents in our dining room as he was unable to go upstairs to the litter boxes. I bought puppy training pads and placed them around for him, cleaning them and him up every day. He was still eating and drinking and snuggling until Friday morning. I went home to have lunch with him, to keep him company and we called our vet. We were to bring him in the next day, but Pepper faded away from us in the place he loved and where he was well loved.
We sat with him Friday night, I cleaned him, kept changing his bedding, kept him warm, and told him that it was okay to go because we would love him forever. Around 5 am on Saturday, he let out a little sigh and was gone. I have no doubt that he is snuggling with Bella until she reaches up and hits him on the head and then let the games begin.
A new kitty in need of a home entered our lives this past Thanksgiving Day, her name is Tilly and while she and Pepper kept their distance from each other, towards the end, she stayed with him and has been medicine for us these past few days.
There have been plenty of tears shed at Christy Cottage over the weekend, but we know Pepper will be a great kitty angel and we are lucky that he chose us to live with. Always loved and never forgotten.
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